Antique taxidermy sales & Restoration

Antique taxidermy sales & Restoration

Deadzoo Taxidermy is a family run Taxidermy sales and restoration business ran in traditional ways, as our company deals mainly in antique Taxidermy, when was at its peak, our restoration methods are done predominantly the same as 100 years ago! I believe it fits the finish We and our customers require. 

Even the tools used in our craft are antique and from the same era to keep as traditional as possible in the modern age, if you can't see what you are looking for? Get in touch and we will do our best to furnish your requirements, we are a reputable store based in Wallingford Oxfordshire, where we sell a wide range of taxidermy items. If you would like to find out more about our store and stock, then please feel free to get in touch with us on 07379721032 We are always more than happy to help our customers with all their needs.

Restoration services, Mount's cleaned and insect treatment available,  

TAXIDERMY purchased for CASH 💰💰💷💷

If you have anything for sale contact us 

, fast shipping, follow us on Instagram @ deadzoo Oxfordshire